
Harsha says he is neither spiritual nor political; how then does one account for how his brush moves or how the concerns of identity that is the looming question before us within our own context of the nation? It is interesting that an artist who veers consciously away from politics is actually addressing the very questions that hang like swords over our heads.


"Recent life" by NS Harsha is a slow discovery - of oneself, of life, of drawing, and most of all the richness of painting.


-Shireen Gandhy

N.S. Harsha's work has a rarity; his gallery exhibitions are few and far between. Indeed his work is laboured, his process slow. The fact is that Harsha has a rigorous practice. Recent museum exhibitions, biennales have left a footprint from 2016 to 2019 from the Kochi Biennale, Japan, Sydney Biennale in Sydney, Wales, and more recently in Hong Kong. In 2017 Mami Katoka chief curator from the Mori Museum in Tokyo curated  7 to 8 rooms filled with paintings, installations and sculptures of the last 25 years by the artist. This in itself is testimony to the tremendous repertoire of the artist.


Harsha comes back to his gallery, to Bombay, after a gap of 13 years! His last exhibition, Charming Nation was one of the last to be held in the old space of Chemould at Jehangir in 2006. This exhibition therefore is much awaited by those who hold his work close to their heart. His band of followers include not only collectors, but artists too. Harsha is what one calls, "an artist's artist!"

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