
A collaborative project between four galleries at Bikaner House, New Delhi.


Bikaner House, a former residence of the Maharaja of Bikaner in Rajasthan, retains its grand aura of a distinguished Edwardian neo-classical bungalow within the expanse of its 8 acres in Lutyens, Delhi. Ensconced within it are smaller rooms with fire places, windows, wooden panelling, giving a sense of it being a living space.

We at Chemould Prescott Road, have chosen to use these existing smaller spaces in exhibiting miniature solo and 2-person shows - that lend itself to the intimacy of the setting. Artists will intervene directly with site specific work as in the case of Mithu Sen’s drawings; In yet another of the spaces, we present a juxtaposition between a painter – Jitish Kallat and a sculptor L N Tallur, wherein the painter paints large exploratory sculptural images on his canvas and the sculptor prints digital images on his bronzes; also included is an intimate viewing of Aditi’s Singh’s drawings and charcoals.


As a joint presentation between Vadehra Gallery and Chemould Prescott Road, Shilpa Gupta will intervene minimally and thoughtfully with a recently developed work which delve into distance, mobility and confinement which surfaced through the last year.

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Press release